Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bittersweet Thoughts about a Sweet Experience

Friday Night Worship--March 29, 2013

After a long day of excitement at Victoria Falls, the Mission Team members were pretty tired.  Chaplain Rob's worship focused on the emotions they were experiencing as the trip was coming to a close.  "Trips like this come to an end inevitably," he said.  "You must miss your families.  It's kind of different for us.  I don't know that we feel quite like that about Zambia.  But we will miss what we've done here and who we've done it with.  It's been just about two weeks that hopefully are the beginning of something different in your life.  Ellen White talks about it . . . how the disciples reviewed different stories after Jesus died and then left them.  It's kind of bitter sweet.

"I want to add some sweetness to that.  The Bible tells us, 'Lo I am with you always even unto the ends of the earth.' Maybe this is the end of our mission trip in a few hours, but this should be the beginning of a lifetime of service.  A life worth living.  A life that's fun and enjoyable and peaceful.  Some of the most peaceful moments were just being here working with you guys.  A life with Jesus can be peaceful and enjoyable.  Think about it as a turning point to a new beginning in your life.  The people here need what you have here.  Jesus died and rose from the grave and it was the beginning.  Changed the world."
Cool Experiences

Alejandra/Narce--bungee jumping
Alex--someone in town asked me if I was SDA.  Said he had seen me hanging around with kids at the Maramba Church
Jaden--I was desperately trying to find soccer jersies and couldn't find them.  Then I came to a third place and there were a bunch of them.
Mrs. Maloon--last night during worship I had a long heart-to-heart talk with one of the girls who works here.  We had a great opportunity to share.  We prayed together.
Jacob--I got my wallet back.  It was an answer to prayer.  I'm really happy about that.
Chaplain Rob--We saw an awesome force of nature.  We got here at at prime time for the force of water to show itself
Ms. Aastrup--I'm really proud of our kids.  They have been so good--haven't complained much, have done what they needed and what they were asked to do.  It's been a blessing to spend this time with them.
Mrs. Pearson--I loved all the cool rainbows...especially the full circle one
Johann--I got to talk with some of the Zambian soldiers (Ms. Aastrup did too)
Jaden--I enjoyed the safari yesterday.   Had the best jeep people
Grant--the baboons were really funny
Eric--it's kind of sad because we've met so many nice new people on this trip.  We created this mission trip family and I'm sad it's ending
Cook Christi--this morning when we were doing all the money are only allowed to change $1000 and he let me change $2000 and wrote a receipt for $1000 and said "You'd do the same for me in your country."
Chaplain Rob--there's a lot of that in this country.  It's all about community.
Dr. Muncy--on the combo event today with the lions, we actually got to walk the lionesses down these trails with no leashes.  We could hold on to their tails and follow them wherever they would go.  It reminded me of what heaven will be like.

Flexibility Awards
Jaden--Christi--because she did a lot to make it happen for me to get my jersies; Mr. Maloon because I could only go because of him; Robbie because he didn't let it bother him
Eric--got bitten by a lion cub
Narce--Chaplain Rob, Mr. Maloon, Ms. Aastrup and everyone who did something to help me go bungee jumping
Jacob--Mr. Maloon and Ms. Aastrup the way they helped my sister and me out
Mr. Maloon--Cook Christi
Alex--Pastor Ralph

Nightly Reading:  Matthew 5:13-16

[Photos c/o Eric McArthur from his helicopter ride over the Zambezi River and Victoria Falls.  He went with Keaton, the Warrens, and the Maloons.]

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