Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Christlike Attitude

Continuing his series of worship talks based in Philippians, Pastor Jay focused on Philippians 2:5 for his Wednesday morning meditation.  The King James Version reads, “Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus.  The New Century Version says, 5 “In your lives you must think and act like Christ Jesus.”  In Spanish it says “let your attitude be like Christ's.”

“What does this mean? Pastor Jay asked.  “It basically means you need to think in the way that Christ thinks. What does a Christian look like?  Should you be able to see a Christian?  When it says “let this mind be in you,” Paul is trying to help us understand what a Christian looks like, what he does, how he acts.  In your lives you must think and act like Jesus--

So, how does Jesus think and act?  Don't be interested in your own life, look out for the good of others.  A Christian is someone who looks out for the good of others—one who serves others not just themselves.

“When you get back to the states, it's going to be a shock.  You're going to walk in and the music and the media and the materialism is going to be shocking.  We've lived kind of simply here.  We have enough.  We've not gone hungry.   We’ve had a little more PBJ than we'd like, but we are eating.  In the US it's all about serving ourselves.  But a Chrisian is thinking and acting like Christ, and that is all about serving others.  In His very nature, He was equal with God, but He did not think that was something to use for His own benefit.  He gave that all up to serve man.

“Selfishness takes, love gives.

“What does a disciple of Christ look like?  A disciple of Christ gives.  You are giving.  You could be surfing the ocean for your spring break, but you're laying brick in the hot African sun.  You're doing VBS and playing with kids.  You're giving medical care.  These are all acts of service, doing for others.

“Jesus said whatsoever you've done to the least of these, you've done it unto me.  Whatever we do for somebody, the lowest of the low, the smallest, sickest, grossest person who has yet to understand what we're doing for them...they are the “least.”  We are serving them for now and for eternity.  

“A Christian does things with an unselfish motive.  That's what a Christian looks like.  That's what I hope we'll look like when we return to Thunderbird.  Choose to serve today.”

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